The Five Pillars and Articles of Faith
Islam is one of the three Monotheistic religions practiced in the world today, the other two being Judaism and Christianity. Islam is the second most practiced religion after Christianity. Statistically 1 in every four people are Muslim. The aforementioned statistics show how popular Islam is. There are 1.57 billion Muslims around the world so you would think that the belief and practices of Muslims would be common knowledge right? Wrong.
I have found since embracing this religion that many peoples’ ideas about Islam are based upon, stereotyping and misconceptions which are being fuelled by the constant misrepresentation and negative images being feed to the general public by the media.
In order to challenge these false ideas we must as a Muslim Ummah spread the truth of this noble deen.
People are often scared of what they do not understand and therefore my aim with this article is to shed some light upon what Islam stands for in a brief and concise explanation. Firstly it is often common amongst non Muslims to believe that Allah is a different God to that of the other two monotheistic religions mentioned previously. We believe in all the same prophets Noah, Moses, Abraham, Jesus etc with the exception that we recognise Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) as being the last and final messenger.
In order to see the true beauty of Islam people must first have to throw away their perceptions of Islam and Muslims – forget about the way we dress or what you may have heard about Muslims themselves and seek for truth about the religion itself with sincerity and an open heart. I will briefly give an explanation to the meaning of who we worship, what our religion means and who we are as Muslims.